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Pahj 1.5 - Hair Thickening Formula - Biostrand

Pahj 1.5 - Hair Thickening Formula

Regular price $46.99 Sale

Pahj 15TM (4 oz.) - Hair Thickening Formula PahJ 15 Is a natural Shea Butter & protein blend designed to be lightly applied to the hair & scalp for gradual re-strengthening of your weakened or chemically damaged hair. PahJ15 should be stirred before usage and lightly applied to the hair & scalp for beautiful results in natural and/or chemically treated hair. 

Just a dab makes your hair beautifully shiny!! This Natural Shea Butter Botanical & Protein Enhanced formula is not a pomade or a gel. It’s the latest breakthrough for insuring thickening of thin chemically damaged and swimmer’s hair!